11/17/2018 Board Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association Board

Minutes of the Meeting

November 17, 2018
Carriage House, Chinquapin
3600 North Lake Blvd
Tahoe City, CA  96145

Directors Present
Charles Quaglieri, President
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Steve Giacomi, Treasurer
Annie Mitchell
Carl Bertelsen
Clint Harless (Teleconference)
Anthony Miles

Staff Present
Brad Kohler, General Manager
Aidan Miles, WMC

Homeowners Present
Robert Eberhart, Unit 189 (Teleconference)
Dave Nemeth, Unit 78 (Teleconference)     

I.  Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 093

II.Open Session- no discussions ensued.

III. Approval of the minutes  Sept.2,2018 meeting minutes were unanimously approved.

IV. President’s Report

  • The issue of homeowners who- after more than adequate notification of maintenance such as painting or roofing- demand temporary cost inducing delay or halt of work was discussed. It was agreed unanimously that homeowner will bear the cost of such.
  • The issue of giving authority to GM to pay up to 5K for services or goods previously authorized and budgeted for. The board granted this authorization unanimously.

 V. Treasurer’s Report - Mr. Giacomi updated financial report including:

  • We have three current delinquencies which are 15 days old.
  • We have spent 3700 of budgeted 20k for legal fees.
  • Motion to transfer $100,000 from Operating to Replacement
  • Motion to approve the 2019 budget as adjusted.
  • Motion to establish dues at $2975 for 2019, (per quarter).
  • Mr. Giacomi directed a detailed budget review with the board analyzing and debating each item on the proposed budget spread sheet. Adjustments up or down were debated. For example, tree removal was doubled to 50K among many other decisions. This resulted in a total budget of 2,171,800. A new quarterly dues figure was set at $2975 representing a fifty-dollar increase. Mr Eberhart suggested a no increase dues or a no increase dues with an assessment attached. This was discussed but rejected by the board.

VI. Committee and Staff Reports

a)  Architectural Review Committee Report

  • Architectural Review Committee Report- Annie Mitchell recommended approval of unit 17 fireplace insert application (fast track) as well as unit 60 interior remodel and unit 176 deck and railing replacement/L3 deck expansion.
  • Ms Mitchell also notified the board of her ongoing efforts to streamline the website directions for homeowners. Fees will be reviewed.
  • Homeowners Vidinsky and Coppola have expressed a desire to remain on the committee.

b)  Buildings Committee

  • Dr Bertelsen discussed the ongoing Charter upgrade including the three electrical boxes installed without the GM’s previously agreed upon oversight. These will be relocated.
  • He reviewed the ongoing pest control efforts in light of the multitude of squirrels and woodpeckers. Homeowners should be encouraged to inspect their units for possible points of entrance.
  • Roof replacements on units 124-127 are deferred until spring for logistical reasons. This will complete the re-roofing project. Drains will also have been completed and should have a life span of 40 years.
  • Deck inspections have been completed and it is estimated 50K will be necessary to repair problems found. This does not include the sagging found on 130-131 decks. These decks are being analyzed by an engineering firm at this time.
  • Water line replacement is in progress at units 92-93. Units 84-86,72-74 and 78-80 are anticipated to also require water line replacement.
  • The French doors to the patio of the Dollar House will require replacement in the near future.

c)  Grounds Committee

  • Mr. Sarvas reported that limbing, defensible space and dead tree removal efforts are in progress.
  • The creek area in the north end of the property underwent extensive thinning this fall. Road work for 2019 is also under scrutiny.
  • A walk of the property will be led by Mr. Sarvas on Nov.19 at 0930.
  • Repair of the entrance sod using geo-web was discussed by Aidan Miles.
  • Increasing the tree removal budget is also anticipated for 2019.

d) Insurance Committee

  • Mr. Miles discussed that we are awaiting the insurance quote for 2019. This typically is not available until December of each year.
  • It was noted that Dan Jones the owner of our current freeze alarm system is closing his business at the end of 2018. This is due to the fact it is land line dependent and 50% of the units at Chinquapin have abandoned their land lines. Various alternatives were discussed. Dr Bertelsen will explore wifi based alternatives.

e) Pool and Tennis Committee

  • Mr. Miles reviewed plans to re-coat court 7.
  • A railing on the steps at court 4 will be proposed in the upcoming budget.
  • Ecolab will be taking over our pool maintenance program as previous provider has stopped servicing.

f) General Manager

  • Mr. Kohler has submitted his report. Emphasis is currently on fire prevention efforts.
  • Also, he reviewed that this winter the snow will be blown. The benefit of this approach was discussed.

g) WMC

  • Mr. Aidan Miles noted his summary was essentially the same as the general manager’s.

VI. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 2pm.


Charles Quaglieri, President and Acting Secretary